Saturday, 7 July 2012

The Curse of Writer's Block

Do you sit down to write but nothing appears on the screen?

Do you write for hours only to realize your either rambling or at a dead end?

Do you find it hard to either get inside your character's minds or know what's coming next?

You may just have writer's block.  The words send chills down the spines of all writers alike.  Recently I've had some problems  with continuing my current book project thanks to writer's block, however, I have come up with a few ways to help cope with this dreadful situation.

1) Pause your thoughts on the current story (this takes a lot of practice) and try writing a completely different short story or paragraph.  It helps get your mind unstuck on the same story, and sometimes when you come back to it you have a new way to see the story and a bunch of magical ideas for it.  This isn't for everyone and I can understand why, but it works for me so it would be interesting to know if I'm not the only crazy one out there ;)

2) Look into your characters.  They may bot be developed to their full potential or could just be too unrealistic (thank you E-Claire for thinking about that one

3) Go see a good movie.  I suggest The Amazing Spider-Man because I just received the biggest break-through with one of my main characters in Fallen Embers  and I am very happy.  Also, it was an Amazing movie!!! (see what I did there?  Never mind...).  Seriously though, sometimes a well-developed movie with strong characters, an interesting plot, and a fitting mood will give you ideas.  I am defiantly not suggesting you use any direct material, but something that holds your attention might make you see what your story is lacking.

That's all I have for the curse of writer's block right now, but maybe later I'll create a writer's block-prevention spell or symbol...   (I've been recently obsessed with the show Supernaturals).

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