Thursday, 18 October 2012

Hallows Eve >:3 Part |

BOOOOOoooooOOoooOOoOOoOoo...!!!  That was to wake myself up more than you circus freaks because I haven't posted in a while.  So this month is Hallows Eve (or Halloween, Day of the Dead, etc.) and there is a lot of random news I'd very much appreciate sharing.

Gamer News:
-I bought Dishonored.  Part of the reason I haven't been doing this.  No regrets.
If you haven't heard of this game, played it, or watched playthroughs, DO-IT.  This is such an amazing game that I will start repeating myself very soon on how completely epic it is.  "Steampunk beats all" is one of my favourite quotes, by myself actually ;)  and it's complemented so well by sneak attack/assassination and time-traveling.  If Skyrim, Alice the Madness Returns, and Assassins Creed had a baby, Dishonored would be it.

Minecraft is getting a neat update, "Pretty Scary Update", on October 24, full with nearly perfected things and sounds, including some of my personal favourites, bats, witches (and their houses), and anvils (only cause you can kill with them).  But you've probably seen enough spotlight/update videos on youtube so you don't need me to tell you about it.  I will still leave a link at the bottom for the yogscast vid, cause it's hilarious as always.

Hallos Eve News:
I like the way Hallows Eve sounds better than Halloween.  Just cause.  I accidentally started calling "trick-or-treaters" "halloweeners"... so if someone gives you a weird look after saying that, you can blame me.

Every year my family, a huge group of friends, and I pull together a grand haunted house in our driveway and sometime garage/courtyard.  We build all the walls from wood and cardboard form stores and use a nicely crafted story line to make an experience unlike other haunted houses.  Usually our theme/story is inspired/based on a scary movie that came out the same year, but rarely -like this year- we make up our own because ideas for it keep growing.  The theme is a secret, but I can promise you it has a nice ghost-story background, and has something to do with the thing that makes we most violent.  Clowns.  I hate them, ever since I was 2 and it should be a great Halloween for everyone, except maybe the friends who play the clowns.  Also, I am writing a short story that details the back story for this haunted house and will be up on soon.

OH YEAH, figment, I have been busy.  I have just posted my favourite & cleaned up POEMS ON FIGMENT!! It would be awesome if you all read and commented on my stories and heart them if you like! *I would LOVE to hear what you guys think on there!* Figment is a great, safe environment for upcoming or published authors, and links will be below!

That should be all for this moment, wow, when I started I told myself to write a quick post... no 'achievement get' for me then...

All my figment magic:        --my page.  Follow to read new stories!(all poems here)          --mine's the first one by "Alex"

The YOgscast Update Videos: (Part 1 & 2)

Playing: Dishonored & Minecraft
Listening to: Steam Powered Giraffe
Watching: Youtube