My friends and I began playing D&D last night and it was extremely fun! And before you say anything, NO this is not going to be like a facebook update, this will actually tell you something important.
I highly recomend you and your buddies huddle down and play
D&D but there are a few checkpoints you should go through first, to ensure
a more successful game play:
-Have an experienced dungeon master that knows-what-he/she-is-doing
-Play in a large area on the floor w/ a whiteboard and markers.
For the layout of special places, drawing a grid (usually 1" by
1") is helpful.
-Use it is very-very-very
useful for character creation etc!
-Snacks. No questions, you will want them and you will need
them. Usually some type of caffeinated substance.
Extra Optional Items:
-Each person has their own notebook. We used these to make
notes on everything. Very handy.
-Lighting control for the Dungeon Master. It may sound silly
or excessive, but we tried it and helped everyone immediately immerse
into the game.
-Maybe wear some costumes? We haven't done this yet but I
think everyone wearing cloaks kinda makes the whole feel come together.
And you're all friends so you guys can all understand each other's
craziness ;)
Hope you enjoy playing and if you circus freaks want, I'll post some updates on our game! And may the odds be EVER in your favour! *I know that's not for D&D...oh well!
Listening to: AVP cover of One Night
Watching: Yogscast & Tobuscus on Youtube